God's Dwelling Place


God's Dwelling Place

Our Community

God is ONE, a community of three persons, eternally united in diversity, equal in dignity, substance and diverse in operation, living in perfect loving harmony.
As Mishkan, we are a Kingdom Community of His Witness. It’s who we are, what we stand for, our visible manifestation and testimony to the world, of who our God is, His way of life, operation and mission to the broken dying world in need of redemption.
Community Life is how our God has Expressed and Presented Himself to us in Scripture, i.e. as seen in the Great Commission, Baptism, Ekklesia, etc. This is what we are called to mirror as His community on earth. When the world can see our Unity and Love for one another and His mission, then they can know that we are His disciples.
Through our union in Christ, and by living in loving relationship with one another, we become the Salt of the Earth and Light of the World. We do this through our Shared Life expressed in our Communion, Identity, Purpose, Governance, Transparency, Accountability, Servanthood and Covenantal Relationships as brothers and sisters, nurtured and matured in our Father’s House, to carry out Kingdom Vision and Mandate in Society, as expressed in the triune God.